head on a stick

I am interested in experiences, thinking, and language (visual and literary), and how we create our identity though the things we reveal and conceal. I share my own categories of books, thoughts about personal readings, films, studio practice, and observations/musings.

05 September 2013

the mess of life

Life is messy and difficult to tidy if at all.

What happens when we find ourselves upside down, our lives in a kind of turn around or spin, and none of the rules or things we understand fit anymore? What happens when we encounter an internal collapse, and our eyes and heart are open to something unfathomable, incomprehensible, something we can only feel.

What happens when words are inadequate. How do we communicate then. We are so reliant on words and images as the way to access one another.

Feeling in many ways seems a truer way to our authentic being, less attached to judgement, things we thinks we know, assumptions, preferences, old habits.....where do attachments come from, what do they link to for us. (this is an older reflection from July of 2010)


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