Another year, another film, another book, and a whole lifetime of experiences
Another year since my last post. I don't think that is what Blogger had in mind. I will write with more regularity as I extract myself from commitments and work that distracts me from the passions.
Reading Burroughs now (read Junky last week: all you did not want to know about heroin, and actually, not much about the high, more about the sickness, a kind of Artaud scream in slow motions), also Burrough's interviews, and Ginsberg's journals, too. I am desperate for reading and writing time, and plan on making daily room for that after my exhibit is installed end of this week.
Gearing up for Natural Overlaps, an exhibit of collaborative works with my friend Susan Newbold, which will be at Silvermine this month until April. A long trek. Many other developments, new friendships, and new callings. I wrote essays for Susan Bickford's installation in Fall 2009 in UMA in Augusta and Carrie Scanga's installation this month at Vox Populi in Philadelphia.
I am gearing up to unleash a new body of work and let it spill from my soul, which will include drawings and writings on many subjects from aging to desire's eye, from the transformative moments of loss and surrender to the bliss of breathing. Back in a flash........