27 November: heavy sleep, heavy rain.
Collecting, what is the impulse to gather, accumulate, amass and store things.
Collecting is related to collecting, collating, assembling, order, disorder, chaos, presentation, shelving, display, content, production, reproduction, economics, information, language, property, possessing, power, sovereignty, ownership, territory, bounadries, identity, things, thingness, stuff, junk, having, memory, trace, nostalgia, loss, desire, fear, waste, elimination, categorization, sacred and profane, materiality, diversity,decay, fantasy, circulation, circuitousness, exchange, give and take, the gift, association, autobiographical, political, geographical, environmental, religious, social, temperal, indeterminate, ephemeral,remants, parts,external, internal, cultural,preference, projection, self-creation, subjectivity, intersubjectivity, interchange, multiples, orginal, authenticity, orgins, longing, space, time, arranegment, installation, identification, classification, series,contradictions, difference, simliarity, artifacts, relics, scraps, remains, archives, label, stacking, surface, value, power object, aesthetics, index, model, matrix, objects, intimacy, communication, paradox, meaning,ambivalence, simultaneity, continuity, discontinuity,frameworks, sybmology, symbols, mythology, stand-in, personification, links, existence, humanity, transformation,evidence, testimony, absence, presence, reflection,history, legacy, fragment, texture, construction,heterogenity, homogeniety, icons, strategies, composition, interpretation, found objects, mnemonic, experience, control, articulation, extension, practice,mortality, immortality, transition, the metaphysical, place, the melancholic, process, death, life,
......to be continued
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