head on a stick

I am interested in experiences, thinking, and language (visual and literary), and how we create our identity though the things we reveal and conceal. I share my own categories of books, thoughts about personal readings, films, studio practice, and observations/musings.

25 November 2007


25 November: no dreams.

Our food reveals much about our relationship with our bodies, ourselves, animals, nature, as well as our relationship to one another, our cravings, and our squeamishness. We create specific associations, we draw lines between sacred and profane, we establish rules and codes of behavior that conform to our categories of clean and unclean to avoid contamination, disease, and death.

Does a sacred cow save us from our mortality. Can peeling our fruit bridge the gap of horror, can we temproraily stave off the formlessness that we are thorugh the separtion of an outer layer, a crusty, brown-patched, cadaverish skin from the inner smooth, juicy, expansive, pink flesh.

The scared does not exist without the profane, and in fact, they are interchangeable. This is difficult to accpet, because it means that there cannot be a difference, and the catgories are facades. Our human identity is shaped by fears and desire.


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